Category Archives: The Castelfranco Manuscript

All work related to the transcription and performance of the Castelfranco Manuscript by Giovanni Massarotto, “Pacalono”.

The Castelfranco Manuscript

(Link to the document: Intavolatura manoscritta per liuto del duomo di Castelfranco Veneto – Trascrizione)
Screenshot from a page of the Castelfranco Manuscript, written by Giovanni Massarotto "Pacalono", in Padua, during May of 1565.
Screenshot from a page of the Castelfranco Manuscript, written by Giovanni Massarotto “Pacalono”, in Padua, during May of 1565.

I am posting my transcription of the Castelfranco Manuscript on this page to make it available to anyone who is interested.

I used Adobe Photoshop to clarify pages that presented water damage.

I would like to receive any suggestion/corrections you may have. After I review it to make corrections, I will send it various sites promoting lute or Renaissance music.  Feel free to send me an email me or use the comment section.

(Link to the document: Intavolatura manoscritta per liuto del duomo di Castelfranco Veneto – Trascrizione)